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Customer spotlight video: New Balance

case study, video

Hear New Balance discuss the 3 must-have PIM capabilities for a global apparel company.

Replicating a high-touch in-store shopping experience online

In an industry where the customer experience is a critical component to success, and customization plays an important role, all customer touchpoints need to be optimized, relevant, and accurate. Delivering this personalized experience in real time requires an extendable, composable, and native cloud PIM solution.

New Balance chose the inriver multi-tenant SaaS PIM solution with built-in digital shelf analytics, integration and syndication capabilities, to enable their future-ready, omnichannel retail strategy.

With the inriver PIM solution, New Balance provides customers, retailers, and the internal users consistent and accurate product data. By leveraging the syndication of product information, they can rapidly scale their global presence across multiple e-commerce sites. The PIM enables New Balance to expedite the launch of future digital projects, ensuring they can hit the ground running with remarkable speed and efficiency.

Watch the video with John Fister, Senior Digital Product Manager at New Balance about the 3 must-have PIM capabilities for a global apparel company and how inriver checked all the boxes:

  1. Help internal users to enrich data with easy to use interface and workflows
  2. A strong database backbone that could ingest large amount of unstructured data to build a full product profile
  3. The ability to syndicate to multiple endpoints in easy flexible way

All with the goal of bringing the high-touch, dynamic in-store shopping experience to life online.

Replicating a high-touch in-store shopping experience online

John Fister, Senior Digital Product Manager, New Balance

Want to know more? Take a closer look at how inriver can transform your product journey and your business. Schedule a conversation with one of our experts.